Sunday Grid Iron

>> September 19, 2010

What’s your favorite day?

In Elementary my automatic reaction to that question was FRIDAY! with a squeal. Naturally, it was because Friday was my early day at school. Friday was the day that meant the week was over, and the weekend was coming. I still love Fridays, but I can’t call them my favorite.

In High School, and up until the last year or so, my answer evolved to Saturday. Saturdays were for sleeping in, and not doing much. Even if I had to work at The Rack, somehow Saturdays were just different than other days. I still love Saturdays, but they’re not my favorite.

Now that I am busy, and go to school six out of the seven days in the week, my favorite day is Sunday. And, not for the usual reasons that Utahns say they love Sundays. I don’t go to any church, and I don’t really go to any family dinners. Sundays are my absolute favorites because I can sleep in, I can stay in my pajamas all day, and I do have time to sit around and do homework, do the laundry I’ve ignored all week, cuddle with my Oliver, and blog. These are the reasons I love Sunday.

But…. The best part about Sundays, during my favorite season is this:

source: here.


What’s your favorite day?


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