50 things I love..
here are 50 things i love.. in no particular order
- my awesome siblings
- learning languages
- movies
- george clooney
- my friends
- the color red
- laughing
- costa vida
- traveling
- talking
- the beatles
- politics
- blogging, facebook, & twitter
- quotes
- and beatles quotes
- audrey hepburn
- photography
- nelson mandela
- cnn
- "the silver fox": anderson cooper
- texting
- my job where i dont work nights or weekends
- shopping (esp now that i dont work in retail)
- new shoes
- a yummie salad bar
- the beach
- planting flowers
- rain
- retro posters
- london
- europe!
- starburst jelly beans
- fresh homemade salsa
- U2
- doing absolutely nothing
- fall leaves
- david cook
- purple
- hippies
- the dallas cowboys
- and the lakers
- paris
- french
- the godfather
- mazda 6's
- barack obama
- babies
- concerts
- sunglasses
- making lists