Interruption of our Regularly Scheduled Programs for..
>> April 30, 2010
me to say I'm out! on a Road Trip that is. Yay!
Cedar City, Utah
Where I hope to see a lot of this..
and maybe do a little of this..
What are your vacation plans this Summer?
I would really love to go here..
or here..
But that will probably have to wait till next year.
(don't worry there are posts scheduled to entertain you while.. I'm being entertained.. haha)
We'll be in TX this summer. H is doing some training with the military, so he'll be there for 6 months and we'll be staying with him while the kids are out of school. We can usually find fun stuff any place we go.
Hope you had fun.
I want to go to Disneyland SO bad this year!! My birthday is on a Wednesday and I be there that day LOTS!!!
Sunshine and shopping sound fabulous! :)
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