Less than 2 Weeks... of FREEDOM

>> August 14, 2010

As of yesterday, Summer semester is over.
Now I just wait, impatiently for my grades.
My Cognitive Psych class ended a few weeks ago,
and I know I got an A in that class.
So now I am just crossing my fingers for the others!

Since I will now have 11 days of Freedom before Fall semester starts on the 25th, I don't know what to do with myself. I have SO many things I want to do. Perhaps I will run away to Vegas for a few days. Who's in? {Yes, I'm half serious}

What do you like to do at the end of Summer?


Unknown August 14, 2010 at 8:34 PM  

jeff has one more week off, we are going to nigeria fall and palmyra for few days, it should be fun.
One great thing about living out here is we are only 4-5 hours away from a lot of place, too bad we are only here for a year. =)

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