100 Things About ME!

>> October 2, 2008

1. I could stare at clouds all day
2. My favorite color is red
3. I love coloring
4. Think that's why I also love to dye my hair?
5. And paint my nails?
6. Hmm.. I doubt it's related to my love of cotton candy, or is it?
7. I am addicted to Days of Our Lives - That Stefano's hilarious..
8. I hate parking, just ask Ruby (my car)
9. My thumbs are 2 different sizes
10. I also had issues riding a bike
11. Fear of landing more than take off, on a plane
12. I am blind as a bat. Wait. How blind ARE bats?
13. Cannot spell, my mind is full of much more important matters
14. Therefore, I am a firm believer in Spell Check
15. I love babies
16. Very much am balanced challenged, good thing I am not a Gymnast!
17. Capitalize Words When They Aren't Supposed To Be- Call Me German
18. Always use conditioner.. My locks are addicted
19. Rode the Catapult at Lagoon with Amanda, and loved it!
20. We tried to do it again, but the park was closing :(
21. Have a strange addiction to learning new languages
22. Wonders why one of my favorite peoples calls me an "Old Soul" What does that mean?
23. Haven't really had my natural hair color since I was 15. What color was that?
24. Might actually graduate soon! SHOCKER I know!
25. Actually enjoys making pretty Excel charts - a proven sign of psychosis
26. Has tried so hard to not cut my hair
27. And now it's finally getting long
28. So of course I am debating chopping it off!
29. Die hard Beatles fan
30. Might actually like John Lennon more for his politics, than for his singing..
31. Nope, it's a toss up! My favorite song is IMAGINE
32. Love rainbows - and Rainbowbrite
33. Am an avid laugher, sometimes so hard there's not any sound left!
34. Used to put foundation on my lips
35. Apparently it was cool?
36. I don't do that any more
37. Am very competitive when it comes to games, even if it's just Clue
38. Love old movies
39. Especially Audrey Hepburn ones
40. Believe in all voting - have to have a voice!
41. Whether it is for Barack Obama on Nov 4
42. Or voting a million times for my favorite on American Idol
43. I take the best notes - and lots and lots of lists
44. My sister and I have our own Language
45. That sometimes doesn't even involve our voices
46. Recycle Nazi
47. Could eat Mexican food everyday
48. Most especially Cafe Rio
49. Or MY homemade Salsa..
50. Now I am getting hungry
51. I prefer Coke over Pepsi
52. Even their commercials are better
53. I'm a little OCD when it comes to lists..
54. In 5th grade I was a radio host
55. On my own radio station - with Sarah Woodman, and my sister Ashley
56. I was a real Barbie Fashionista
57. I would rather do their hair and clothes then make them talk
58. Prefer Wite Out strips over the liquid stuff
59. It gets everywhere!
60. Only bought an IPOD when it contributed to the Product (RED) Charity
61. But it was that IPOD that kept me sane on my lone train ride in Germany
62. Adores kittens over puppies, hands down
63. Somewhat addicted to Sonic Strawberry Limeades
64. Loves the L-O-N-G version of Pride & Prejudice (Ooooh Mr. Darcy!)
65. Convinced that Christopher Walken killed Natalie Wood
66. Why can't anyone else see that?
67. Watched West Side Story the other night, "I'm so pretty.. oh so pretty.. "
68. Really really wants to go to Ghana
69. I only text with one thumb
70. Want to work for UNICEF one day
71. When Love Stoned, by Justin Timberlake comes on, I just want to get up and dance
72. The best part is the end - where it's slow
73. I love his hat in that video
74. My brother says my Spaghetti is better than my dad's
75. That's a real compliment at my house
76. My sister and I used to feed our cats Cheetos
77. I can count to ten in 4 languages
78. I have a freckle on my left eyeball
79. I love Christina Aguilera's new song, Keeps Getting Better
80. Die hard Dallas Cowboys fan
81. Get very lost in my own world when I do Genealogy
82. Old pictures are the best
83. Owns a Magic 8 Ball and a Barrel of Monkeys
84. Love watching Sunsets
85. And dancing in the rain
86. Little kids' laughter is the best
87. Have a true good-for-sunglasses face
88. Despise vacuuming
89. Hold a pencil the right way, what's so hard?
90. Randomly belt out Britney Spears songs
91. And Disney Movie lines, with Ashley and Timmy of course
92. Get super frustrated with Republicans - Especially Sarah Palin
93. Reading is a luxury I enjoy
94. Really like gardening - Snapdragons are the best
95. My Grandpa Shirl taught me about them
96. I love Polar Bears
97. The first time I saw Big Ben, I skipped down the London street. Literally
98. Have memorable encounters with every European waiter I meet
99. I could spend all day in art museums
100. I could probably babble on all day.


Ashley October 2, 2008 at 3:29 AM  

hehe I just did mine! I probably should have been sleeping though..
Oh well..
It was REALLY HARD though! eek!

Amanda M October 2, 2008 at 9:56 PM  

Very very nice!! I learned some new things like: I didnt know you were a Days of Our Lives fan and that you despise vacuuming!!
Haha, ummmm, foundation on your lips!! Hehe!!! :0)
And I love that you were a barbie fashionista!! I did the SAME thing!! That was the best part about playing Barbies!
And the catapult!! That was freaking sweet!! Wahoooooo!!!

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